What To Do If You Were Arrested on Campus in Delaware

Going away to college is one of the first opportunities for many young people to gain independence, so it is common for students to make mistakes or exercise poor judgment. Statistics on crime on college campuses in the US reveals that there are around 28,400 crimes reported every year against students, staff, and property. The most common offense is burglary at 42 percent of all student crimes. There are also frequent arrests for sexual harassment, car theft, and drug crimes, particularly possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Whether it was a mistake or lapse in judgment that led to your arrest for a student crime, you must be proactive now that you need to aggressively defend the charges. A conviction could lead to serious penalties, but there are also consequences for your education and future. A top priority should be retaining a Wilmington student crimes defense lawyer to protect your rights. Since your attorney may not be present at the moment of your arrest, some tips are useful.
Be Polite: If you approach the situation with calm and the officers with respect, you might get off with a warning instead of criminal charges. However, politeness also goes a long way when you are already under arrest. Campus police may decide to end their investigation right away, instead of searching your vehicle or dorm room.
Never Resist Arrest: A related tip is to follow all instructions by officers during the encounter, including showing ID, identifying yourself, and answer basic questions. Do not make accusations, get into arguments, or show aggression when campus police take you into custody. Never resist arrest, even if you believe there is no legal basis. Preventing an officer making an arrest is a Class A Misdemeanor punishable by up to 1 year in jail. Resisting arrest through use of force is a Class G Felony, carrying up to 2 years in prison if you are convicted.
Respectfully Decline to Answer Questions: Your constitutional rights still apply to an arrest on campus, and the Fifth Amendment protects you from self-incrimination. You should not answer any questions other than those that are related to your identity, and do not make any statements – even if you want to profess your innocence.
Do Not Consent to a Search: The details depend on the reasons behind your arrest, but you should not agree to police requests to search your dorm, vehicle, or other personal spaces. Officers may still continue their investigation and search these places, but evidence may later be tossed if you were justified to not consent.
Contact a Delaware Student Crimes Defense Attorney Right Away
These tips on what to do if you were arrested on campus are important, but you will need skilled legal representation to fight the charges. You can trust Attorney Michael W. Modica to handle key defense strategies and pursue options that protect your rights and your future. To learn how we will assist with your case, please call 302.600.1262 or go online to set up a consultation at our offices in Wilmington, DE.