Delaware Paramedic Charged with Rape in Fourth Degree

A New Castle County, DE paramedic has been charged with Rape in the Fourth Degree by New Castle police. The charge follows an investigation by the Criminal Investigations Unit into incidents that occurred between 2004 and 2006. The investigation did not begin until July of 2023 when police were notified about a possible case of sexual abuse during that period.
Detectives have since charged a 41-year-old paramedic from Middletown. She voluntarily surrendered to authorities in February 2024. She has since been arraigned and released on $5,000 unsecured bail.
Officials say that there is no evidence to suggest that the alleged incidents took place while the defendant was performing her duties as a paramedic. The defendant has since been placed on administrative leave and will remain there pending the outcome of an internal investigation.
Rape in the Fourth Degree under Delaware law
- 770 of the Delaware Criminal Statutes states that a person is guilty of Rape in the Fourth Degree when that person intentionally engages in sexual intercourse with another person, and the victim has not yet reached their 16th birthday. It can also be charged when an individual intentionally engages in sexual intercourse with another person, and the victim has not yet reached their 18th birthday when the individual is 30 years of age or older. More often than not, this is the charge one faces after they’ve had sexual intercourse with a minor.
However, Rape in the Fourth Degree can also be charged when an individual engages in sexual penetration with another person when the sexual penetration occurs without the victim’s consent.
Rape in the Fourth Degree is considered a class C felony. Class C felonies are divided into two categories under Delaware law. Those are violent (FCV) and nonviolent (FCN). Crimes like Rape in the Fourth Degree are considered violent crimes. Others include Kidnapping 2nd Degree, Assault 2nd Degree, and Arson 1st Degree. Such crimes are punishable by a maximum sentence of up to 15 years in state prison and a presumptive bail between $5,000 and $20,000.
Rape charges in Delaware
In terms of the crime defined as Rape under Delaware law, it can be charged in various degrees. These include Fourth, Third, Second, and First-Degree Rape. Generally speaking, the crime becomes more severe the larger the gap in age between the perpetrator and the victim. The charge also becomes more severe when the rape happens during the commission of a crime, or it causes serious mental or physical injury to the victim. Other factors that can escalate the charges of rape include the use of drugs, unlawful imprisonment, assault, or criminal trespass.
Talk to a Wilmington, DE Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer Today
Wilmington criminal lawyer Michael W. Modica represents the rights and interests of those charged with serious crimes in Delaware including sex crimes. The stakes are very high during these prosecutions, and you need a seasoned criminal defense attorney capable of providing the best defense possible. Call our office today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin preparing your defense immediately.