Common Student Crimes Charged On College Campuses In Delaware

College students are heading back to class for the Fall Semester 2022, and many of them will be leaving home and out from under their parents’ supervision for the first time. Many are inspired by this coming of age experience, but students at University of Delaware, Wilmington University, and other secondary schools can get into trouble when they use poor judgment. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost 27,500 crimes were reported to law enforcement and campus police. This figure represents a rate of about 19 on-campus crimes per 10,000 registered, full-time students. Applied to the enrollment at University of Delaware, almost 50 students will be arrested annually.
Student crimes encompass numerous complications, primarily because there may be multiple cases through the criminal process AND school disciplinary proceedings. It is critical to get in touch with a University of Delaware student crimes defense attorney if you were charged for any of these common offenses on Delaware college campuses.
Underage Drinking: By far the most arrests for student crimes involve alcohol and individuals aged 21 or under. It is unlawful for an underaged person to possess, consume, or be found to have consumed booze. Officers may use breathalyzer technology as proof, just as they do with DUI cases. A violation of underage drinking laws is a $100 fine, and you could even lose your driver’s license.
Property Damage: Vandalism, graffiti, and related destruction of property offenses are typically charged as misdemeanors if the value is $1,500 or less. You could face a felony if the amount is higher, or where graffiti involves language that constitutes a hate crime. Note that arson is a type of property crime, but it is also a felony.
Sexual Assault: This offense is probably one of the most serious for purposes of the criminal case and the student discipline proceedings. University officials will aggressively investigate allegations of sexual misconduct, and they may violate your civil rights in doing so. You risk suspension, expulsion, and other penalties. Plus, almost all sex crimes are charged as felonies in Delaware. First Degree Rape is a Class A Felony, which carries a mandatory minimum of 15 years and a maximum of life in prison.
Theft: When you are underage and cannot buy alcohol, it seems easy to just put a bottle under your jacket. Shoplifting is a theft crime, a Class A Misdemeanor when the amount is less than $1,500. A judge could sentence you to a year in jail, but you may qualify for probation. For theft of items valued at higher amounts, felony charges apply. Theft of university property is also a common offense that campus police diligently pursue.
Reach Out to a Delaware Student Crimes Defense Lawyer
Your approach to defending the charges must be two-fold if you were arrested for a criminal offense as a student, and Attorney Michael W. Modica is prepared to handle all aspects of the proceedings. For more information, please call 302.600.1262 or go online to set up a consultation at our Wilmington, DE office. After reviewing the details, we can discuss strategy.