Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Can I Face Delaware Assault Charges For A Bar Fight?
In short, yes you can be arrested for getting into a bar fight and probably will when owners call police. These scenarios are usually covered by Delaware’s statute on Assault in the Third Degree, i.e., intentionally or recklessly causing physical injury to another person. The offense is a Class A Misdemeanor, so you could… Read More »

Is Delaware A Constitutional Carry State For Firearms?
Though the topic has been in the news frequently in recent weeks with regards to other US states, the answer is NO: Delaware is not a constitutional carry state for purposes of firearms. The issue was before lawmakers not long ago, according to an article published by Delaware Live. However, the measure failed to… Read More »

How Delaware Habitual Offender Status Applies To Drug Crimes
Even though a few years have passed since Delaware made significant changes to its habitual offender laws in 2016, there is still considerable confusion about how the statutes apply to drug crimes. The good news is that the current version of the statute eliminates the mandatory life sentences for certain drug offenses; the downside… Read More »

Marijuana Legalization Fails To Pass In Delaware
Even as other US states decriminalize and legalize marijuana for recreational or medical purposes, Delaware lawmakers have still not taken action to modify drug laws in the state. The most recent effort was covered by Delaware’s News Now, which reported that the measure to legalize pot was voted down by the Delaware House… Read More »

What To Do If You Were Accused Of Child Molestation In Delaware
You may have been accused of poor judgment, mistakes, or even an actual crime in the past, but few situations are more serious than facing allegations of child molestation in Delaware. The offense is titled “Sexual Abuse of a Child by a Person in a Position of Trust, Authority, or Supervision,” and there are… Read More »

FAQs About Embezzlement White Collar Crimes In Delaware
Embezzlement may not rank high when it comes to the total arrests for serious criminal offenses in Delaware, accounting for just over 1 percent statewide. However, the numbers really stand out when you take a closer look at this particular white collar crime at a local level. According to a publication on Crime in… Read More »

What Are The Main Categories Of Criminal Defenses In Delaware?
There are literally thousands of pages of laws covering the hundreds of crimes defined in Delaware criminal laws. This revelation can be quite daunting when you realize the vast range of misconduct that could lead to an arrest. However, an arrest is not the equivalent of a conviction, so some other information might be… Read More »

Your Rights During Encounters With University Of Delaware Police
For many students, heading off to college is the first time they are out from under their parent’s roof and responsible for their own actions. Unfortunately, judgment can sometimes lag behind in young adults, potentially leading to criminal charges. Students spend a considerable amount of time on campus, even more when they live in… Read More »

Probation In Delaware: Comparing Diversion Versus Sentencing
When you consider your options for resolving criminal charges in Delaware, there is no doubt you will aim for ways to stay out of jail. Ideally, you have a solid defense and could beat the charges through a dismissal or acquittal. However, it is more likely that you will be looking at some form… Read More »

Reasons To Appeal In A Delaware Criminal Case
You might be able to overlook certain mistakes that affect your life, but you should not have to pay the price when legal errors affect the outcome in a Delaware criminal case. Judges are only human, which is why the laws allow a defendant to appeal certain findings. The appellate court serves as a… Read More »