Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Penalties For Cocaine Possession In Delaware
Delaware’s drug laws are some of the toughest in the US, but not all controlled substances are treated the same. The statute classifies drugs according to their potential for abuse and accepted usage by the medical community, and cocaine is considered among the most dangerous. Aside from the type of drug, the Delaware’s Uniform… Read More »

Defenses To Weapons Charges In Delaware
Violations of Delaware weapons laws may not constitute a large percentage of the arrests police make every year, but the statistics show that law enforcement is diligent about apprehending suspects. According to a report on Crime in Delaware, officers charge around 2,100 people with weapons law violations. The counts range from possession by prohibited… Read More »

Can A Juvenile Be Charged As An Adult For Using A Fake ID In Delaware?
It seems like all kids are in a hurry to grow up, but there can be big problems when they break the law to fake their way into adulthood. It is a crime in Delaware to engage in acts involving unlawful use of a license or identification card, and you might be surprised to… Read More »

Do I Need A Lawyer To Defend Student Crime Allegations In Delaware?
You might not expect student crime to be a significant problem in the US, but data indicates that law enforcement does not hesitate to pursue offenders. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, around 29,000 criminal incidents on university and college campuses are reported to police and security agencies every year. A whopping… Read More »

Summer Travel: Facts About Out-Of-State DUI In Delaware
After two years of COVID lockdowns and limitations, Americans are excited to travel for short trips, long adventures, and abroad destinations. A recent HomeToGo consumer survey reveals that people are eager to get out, with 82 percent of respondents indicating that they intend to travel more in 2022 compared to 2021. Summer remains the… Read More »

Comparing Various Forms Of Robbery In Delaware
In layman’s terms, theft is taking something that belongs to someone else and misappropriating it for your own use. However, people often lump together many related offenses, such as robbery, shoplifting, and burglary, when they are actually very different. Taking the basic crime of robbery in Delaware, there are two elements the prosecutor must… Read More »

Collateral Consequences For A Conviction On Delaware Child Abuse Charges
It is no secret that Delaware law enforcement takes swift, aggressive action to pursue child abuse charges. According to the Delaware child abuse statute, you could find yourself facing a Class A Misdemeanor for causing physical injury through a single act or pattern of misconduct. The judge could order you to a year in… Read More »

Two Types Of Probation Violations In Delaware
In Delaware, there are two ways you could wind up on probation as part of resolving criminal charges. If you were convicted of an offense, a judge may place you on probation as part of your sentence either in lieu of or as a reduction of jail time. The second arrangement is probation before… Read More »

911 Call As Evidence In Delaware Domestic Violence Cases
Americans have been relying on 911 since 1968 as the standard emergency code to dial in the event of an emergency, and authorities record all communications between the caller and dispatch. When the caller is an alleged victim of domestic violence, there can be tricky civil rights issues with using transcripts of these 911… Read More »

Types Of Orders That Can Be Appealed In A Delaware Criminal Case
While every case is different, a person convicted of a crime in Delaware will almost always have grounds to appeal various orders and decisions by the trial court. To get the appellate process moving, you must file the notice of appeal and comply with other requirements listed in Delaware criminal procedure rules. Keep in… Read More »