Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Answers To FAQs About Hardship Licenses In Delaware
Driving is a privilege in Delaware, just like other US states. The same officials who grant you a license can take it away for misconduct, such as getting too many speeding tickets or moving violations. Plus, there are some traffic-related matters in which just one unlawful act can lead authorities to take away your… Read More »

Factors For Taking A Delaware Juvenile Case To Adult Criminal Court
The focus of the juvenile justice system in Delaware is to rehabilitate and treat young offenders rather than adjudicate guilt, taking the view that youth are amenable to change. At the same time, the laws have always found exceptions. The interests of punishment and public safety are also important, which may make it appropriate… Read More »

Unlawful Sexual Contact In Delaware
You are probably aware that molestation is a serious criminal offense in all US states, but the terminology can vary considerably. The Delaware criminal code uses the term Unlawful Sexual Contact to describe what is familiarly known as molestation, and there are three separate, distinct offenses prohibited by the statute. Though this sex crime… Read More »

What Is Venue In A Delaware Criminal Case?
Venue is often associated with wedding and party planning as being the site where the primary events will take place, and the term has a similar meaning in criminal law. Venue is the court and location where the case will proceed. The concepts are rooted in US constitutional law, which should convey how important… Read More »

Can Delaware Police Search My College Dorm Room?
Leaving home for college is the first time many students will be living on their own, and a good percentage of them will live in dorms or other on-campus housing. In fact, some institutions – including the University of Delaware and Delaware State University – require first-year students to reside in dormitories. The college… Read More »

Why Most Delaware White Collar Crimes Proceed In Federal Court
White collar crime is a term that is used to refer to a category rather than a single offense, so there is no definition established by US or Delaware statute. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has developed a working definition to assist law enforcement with apprehending offenders. This classification covers crimes that… Read More »

Tips If You Were Served With A Delaware Domestic Violence Protective Order
You know that assault is a crime in Delaware, but there are some laws and protections that apply when an altercation involves a member of the family or household. Domestic violence laws provide a process by which a person can petition for and obtain a protective order in Delaware, directing someone else to refrain… Read More »

Can A Store Owner Hold Me For Suspected Shoplifting In Delaware?
Shoplifting charges in Delaware depend upon the value of the property stolen, and the penalties increase accordingly. You could be arrested for a misdemeanor or felony based upon the dollar amount as described in Delaware’s shoplifting law, with penalties including long prison sentences and steep fines. However, the circumstances of an arrest for shoplifting… Read More »

How To Prepare For A Probation Violation Hearing In Delaware
Every US state has some version of probation for criminal activity, and Delaware’s laws allow a person to take advantage of the benefits for a wide range of offenses. The Delaware Bureau of Community Corrections describes the different levels of probation available, from Level 1 low supervision to Level IV home confinement. While on… Read More »

4 Reasons To Hire A Delaware Defense Attorney After A Child Abuse Arrest
Delaware criminal laws come down hard on child abuse, yet it is unfortunately far too easy for someone to get caught up in allegations that may or may not be true. If you are facing charges, you might already be aware that many child abuse cases are classified as violent felonies under Delaware criminal… Read More »